Why is Lead-Free Crystal Better for Your Health?

wine-healthSince antiquity man has been aware of the dangers of lead. It is documented that the ancient Chinese, Greeks and Roman were already well aware of the toxicity of this useful but dangerous metal. Like other heavy metals, lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues, including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervous systems.

There is no safe threshold for lead exposure that has been discovered, or other words, there is no known sufficiently small amount of lead that will not cause harm to the body. Meanwhile, the potential sources of lead everywhere, from paint, contaminated food or water, corroded plumbing,  and lead-containing products, such as batteries or some questionably manufactured toys and cosmetics. And, like any a heavy metal, lead can build up in the body over months and years before its toxic effects are felt.

The greatest danger to the exposure of lead is from its effects on the nervous system, particularly the brain. It is for this reason children should never drink from regular leaded crystal. Even low levels of lead can interfere with the development of the nervous system and can potentially permanently damage a child’s learning abilities and cause behavioral disorders. It has been liked to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and antisocial behavior, and even violent crimes later on in life. This does not mean adults are immune to this heavy metals neurotoxic properties. Excessive exposure to lead can cause permanent decreases in cognitive performance and susceptibility to psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and clinical depression. Severe cases of exposure can cause the inflammation of the brain, confusion, delirium, seizures, comas or even death.

Lead also damages and interferes with other organs and tissues such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Lead poisoning can have a variety of symptoms which can vary depending on the individual and the intensity and duration of lead exposure. Common symptoms are headaches, nausea, anemia, abdominal pain, memory loss, kidney failure, reproductive problems, fatigue, pain, or tingling in the extremities. An unusual taste in the mouth and personality changes are also cited as early signs of lead poisoning. In pregnant women, high-level of lead exposure can lead to fetal developmental problems, low birth weight or even miscarriage. Lead is passed through the placenta and through breast milk, and blood lead levels in mothers and their infants are typically similar.

While the growing awareness of the dangers of lead has caused the phasing out of its use of in some products, notably as gasoline additives and paint in many countries, an astonish use of lead today is in lead glass or stemware crystal, such expensive Champagne flutes or glasses (such as Swarovski crystal). Lead crystal is around 10-33% lead and by some standards, glass has to be at lead 24% lead oxide before it can be called lead “crystal” (as opposed to just glass). Because lead makes crystal sparkly, clear and easy to mould when molten, many glassmakers continue to use lead in the production of crystal. It must be underscored that other mineral alternatives to lead oxide for the production of crystal glass such as barium oxide, zinc oxide and potassium oxide are available, but are more expensive and make the glassworking process more difficult. This added expense and production effort makes companies selling lead-free crystal, sometimes called crystalline, proud to advertise their products as such.

While it can be argued that the swish of wine in a glass is only momentary, it is well documented that lead will leach into your drink if you use leaded crystal. Wine doubles its lead content within an hour of contact with lead in wine and triples within four hours. It can also be noted that citrus juices and other acidic drinks leach lead from lead crystal as effectively as alcoholic beverages. However small, it must be remembered that even the slightest amount of lead affects your health and it is worth repeating that there is no safe threshold for lead exposure – lead harms the body in no matter how small the amount. This in itself is a compelling reason to only buy lead-free crystal. One’s health has is beyond any price tag.